I'm short and heavy and for so much of the first month (or year) of Freshmeat that was a constant downside. I was slower than everyone else. My legs are short and my thighs touch so it's harder to do crossovers or to get those long efficient strides for doing short track laps. The quick foot movements and shifts of balance... don't come naturally to me.
And then we got to contact day and for the first time, all the stuff that'd been holding me back was suddenly a huge asset. I'm short so my center of gravity is really low and I have mass so my inertia is high! People gotta mean it when they hit me!
Honestly, it was just a relief to find something in derby that I was *good* at. Just the one thing, you know? But I used it to bolster my morale and self-esteem during speed day and the 27/5.