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May 30, 2020 5:3 - Collecting some misc drawings and organizing them into the gallery!
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I fled from Michigan some time ago, pale and half healed, wearing bandaids on all my scars. I promised myself I could pick up the pieces of my wounded soul and build a life worth living. Overcome all this and grow up into the person I want to be. Surround myself with beauty and build a family of people who love me and care about me. Learn to be happy.

I'm not there yet. It's the day before my birthday and here I am, huddled in the dark of my room, curled up around my pain and crying my eyes out. But tomorrow I'll get up. And I'll go to work and I'll come home. And I'll pack my art supplies and spend the day playing with people who care about me. I'm not there yet, but I can see it from here. So it's time to stop counting, stop clinging to the past. I want to turn my face up to the sky and let the sun shine down on me. I want to love and I want to be loved and cherished and never, ever hurt again.
