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May 30, 2020 5:3 - Collecting some misc drawings and organizing them into the gallery!
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Man... This story-arc is going to be such a drag. Let's stop with all the "Woo, you go girl!" e-mails. The fellow and I had a very interesting three month affair and he ended it about a month ago, explaining all he really wanted to do is fuck me and... he was pretty much done with that. This is not positive reinforcement for my sense of self-worth or my self-esteem. This story-arc? Sucks.

But I've got to draw it because I already sketched out half the comics and abandoning half-finished comics makes me... twitch. And it screws up my drawing process for weeks. So we're going to grind through this. I'm not sure how much of the actual story I'll tell but I'm going to try to get it done with as quickly as possible, just like I did with the Matt break-up. Stick with me, updates are going to be rough while I hammer it out.