(This will likely be a long rant. You've been warned)
Well. Well, well. 200 comics. It's been an interesting journey, hasn't it? A lot of things have happened since I first started drawing this as a joke to entertain my roommate. I think it's safe to say that now-a-days my whole life centers around this comic. I work so I can come home and draw. Every day things happen and I take mental notes saying, "That'll make a funny comic..." AWLMO is the most important thing about myself I always want to share with other people. "What do you do?" they ask. "Well, I'm an artist! I draw an online comic about my life!" I love drawing this comic and I want to keep drawing and getting better at drawing it and telling stories for a long time. AWLMO isn't about telling silly stories to amuse my roommate anymore. This is me. When you visit AWLMO and read the comics, I'm throwing open the doors and inviting you into my life. These are my stories, these are who I am. It's a little funny, a little sad, and utterly true.
I've been drawing AWLMO for two years now and the next couple years are going to be very interesting.. I hope. I've spent a lot of time thinking about it and weighing my options and... telling these stories is what I want to do. I'm starting a five year plan. I'm going to spend the next five years working my little butt off and investing all my spare change into promoting and furthering the comic. I've got a lot of exciting projects rolling out that'll widen the kind of stories I can tell you... I'll be creating merchandise and going to as many conventions as I possibly can, buying advertising space and doing everything I can to get the word out there... All while working my full time job and drawing, drawing, drawing. In five years I'm going to look at the growth AWLMO has shown, what opportunities have come along, and if it's shown a rate of growth that can be realistically self-supporting within an acceptable period of time, I'll be your storyteller forever. ^_^ And if it hasn't, it'll be time to tie my shoes and move on, doing other things.
But that's a five year plan! No one freak out. I'm going to be with you for a long time and even if it doesn't work out, I can't see myself ever not drawing... so even if you only get idle comics once a month while I get a real job... I'll probably still be here.
So I want to thank you all for reading the comic. The e-mails I get and the sheer (sometimes overwhelming) support is... incredible. I listen to other artists talking about some of their hatemail and I'm staggered by how wonderful you all are. You've walked with me through some very scary times and there's a pretty good chance I wouldn't be here or be able to be the happy, bouncy girl I am if it weren't for all of you.
Along the lines of moving on and building up I've taken a really exciting step for me. I've got DOOM t-shirts. :D I've got 20 of them in sizes S, M, L, and XL and I'm selling them for $12.50 plus shipping. If you order soon, I'll do everything in my power to get them to you in time for Christmas. <3 (I didn't do any XXL or XXXL shirts because they're way more expensive. If you want them, if there's a market for them, let me know and I'll keep it in mind for the next run... if, you know. I get to do another run. ^_^;;) Eventually we'll get a store page up and running but for now if you want a shirt (Or boobhazard posters, only $5 +shipping, great for the holidays! /commercial), toss me an e-mail. Paypal is preferred because it's nice and easy but if you don't have an account, I'll dig up a PO box for cheques and money orders to be sent to.