If you'd like to support the comic! ^_^ |
May 30, 2020 5:3 - Collecting some misc drawings and organizing them into the gallery! | ||
AriennaNew comic. ^_^ This one was awful hard to draw - I'm not sure why. It took much, much longer than most of my comics - the next couple may be a little shy of background and detail work while I catch up. ^_^; But I love this comic. Sometimes when I'm drawing and not paying attention, little things slip themselves in without my conscious control - usually involving hands. If you look at panels one and three, you see the angel girl's hands? In panel one, she's fingering the letter cubes that spell Arienna on my necklace and in panel three she's actually tugging on the necklace. That's some subtle, sneaky, subconscious expression right there. We're getting really close to the top 50 on the comics list - sort of bouncing between 49 and 53. To help make voting less of a chore for you folks this week, I'm going to put up two or three different incentive pics (Today, and either Tuesday or Thursday or both), but I'm going to cheat a little. A lot of people ask me what I look like in real life, as a comparison to the Arienna cartoon... so at least one of the incentives this week will be a real life pic of yours truly. Hopefully my ranking doesn't suffer too much. ^_~ |